Protecting Our Environment

Water Loop System
RHI Energies has the in-house capability to offer a complete turnkey package from the modelling of the water loop design through to the installation of the system pipe work within the body of water to the final commissioning and after sales management of the water loop ground source heat pump system.

Summary of Technologies
RHI Energies offers a geoplate suitable for lakes, ponds, and marina applications manufactured from stainless steel or titanium. The units are manufactured on a project by project basis. The fixed height dimensions are 900mm and 1500mm. The geoplate assemblies are manufactured and tested in the UK prior to going to site and provide an economical approach to ground source systems.
Geoplates are designed to provide low pressure drops to keep pump power to a minimum and to enable high COP to be obtained. The dimple design on the outside creates a turbulence over the plate to maximise heat rejection / absorption and to assist with keeping the plates clean.
The HDPE pipe work from the geoplate system carries water to the heat pump and the operation is fully sealed so that there is no contamination of the system or the body of water.
The heat pump operates in the same manner as a closed loop system and takes the energy that has been stored from the lake via the geoplates to the heat pump to provide LTHW to the building. The heat pump can then be switched into “reverse cycle” mode and will then reject heat energy into the ground loops to provide cooling to the building during the summer months.
RHI Energy Offers
In-house modelling using the latest software of the geoplate system based on the building load profile
Assessment of the body of water where the geoplates are being located.
Design confirmation indicating the size and number of geoplates required in a fully detailed design.
Installation of the geoplates into the lake
Installation of all interconnecting pipe work from the geoplates to the heat pump
Supply and installation of the ground source heat pump hydraulic circuit including valved header arrangement heat pumps, geo circulation pumps, pressurisation sets, dosing systems, expansion vessels etc
Final pressure testing and flushing of the complete geothermal circuit
Filling, dosing and verifying system glycol content and quality
Final commissioning of the ground source system for client use
Dedicated installed IOMs
Training for the client and his representatives in the operation of the system and equipment
Key Benefits
Suitable for design loads from 7kw to 10,000kw
Cheaper than drilling closed loop bore holes.
Due to unique dimple design geoplates offer high energy efficiency
Highly flexible system solution due to modular design
Suitable for projects in the UK and abroad
Suitable for fresh and saline water environments
Extremely low maintenance.
Efficiency of system can be guaranteed all year round as the body of water is constant compared to air cooled systems that have variable ambient temperatures
Low payback periods on life cycle costing analysis as highly efficient and low running/maintenance costs
No building structural requirements (or structural costs) to support geothermal systems as they are all installed within the body of water.
There is no requirement for large internal plant spaces or roof plant areas
System has no visible or noise impact as it is installed below ground and therefore there are no line of sight or acoustic screens and planning becomes simplified
30 years life expectancy on titanium plates

System Options
Simultaneous heating and cooling heat pumps
Water to direct expansion (VRF) solutions
Heat recovery
Free cooling